
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hj Split

Use this for files With extension .001 and following all are high clarity Rips

Click On the Join Button

Now choose the first input file of the series. Click on the "INPUT FILE" button on the left side of the window, and another dialogue window will come up.

NOTE : The ENTIRE series of files needs to be in the same location (example: on the Desktop). However, ONLY THE FIRST FILE will actually show. So for example, if there are files


only the first file FILENAME.001 will show, but you need to make sure all 159 of the files are there, otherwise the join will fail.

Once you've chosen the correct first file in the series to join, simply click the "START" button and the file will join automatically.
When it's finished, close both windows, exiting the program.

After MAKING SURE THE FILE RUNS PROPERLY, you can go ahead and delete the temporary .001, .002, .003, ... files.


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